Blue Dart Express, Grow-Trees to plant over 1.1 lakh trees in Kanha-Pench wildlife corridor

News Clip: Outlook India

25th September, 2020

Logistics service provider Blue Dart Express, which is part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL), will plant 1,11,000 trees in collaboration with Grow-Trees in Kanha-Pench wildlife corridor of Madhya Pradesh.

Blue Dart will complete planting these trees in 2020 and these 1,11,000 trees are likely to offset 22,22,000 kg of carbon per year, on maturity, a company release said Friday.

The trees being planted include indigenous species like Tamarind, Shisham (North Indian Rosewood), Siras (Frywood), Teak Wood, Karanj (Indian Beech), Custard Apple, Ber (Indian Plum), Kateswari (Red Silk Cotton), Kashid (Yellow Cassia), Wood Apple, Amla (Indian Gooseberry).

Preserving the ecosystem around this reserve, rebuilding wildlife habitats and supporting tribal communities along with aiding in increasing the forest reserve in the country are some of the objectives behind these plantation drives, it said.

Earlier, Blue Dart planted 2,22,000 trees in the Kanha-Pench Corridor.

The unique project of planting trees on the Kanha-Pench Corridor has helped revive the biodiversity of the region, reducing man-animal conflict while providing direct employment to over 70 families every year creating around 5,600 workdays during pit digging and plantation activities alone.

Even during the tough times of the coronavirus pandemic, immense support was provided to the dwellers of the Karwahi and Dulara villages by the distribution of dry ration and generation of employment opportunities.

Since 2017, Blue Dart Express Ltd has planted a total of 4,52,000 trees in collaboration with across the five Indian states of Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Sikkim which is expected to offset about 9 million kg of its carbon footprint.

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