
Fraud Awareness
Fraudulent use of the Blue Dart Brand
Blue Dart is focused on providing the best services to its customers and is a trusted brand since 1983.
However, there have been unscrupulous attempts made to defraud Internet users and Public at large including our customers through communication based on the unauthorized use of the Blue Dart name and brand, which appear, to have originated from Blue Dart.
The communication mostly concerns rendering of services over the Internet where payment may be requested through web-link or any document online before the goods are delivered.
Please be alert and cautious and note that Blue Dart does not request for payment in this manner. Blue Dart only collects money due for official Blue Dart related shipping expenses. Further, Blue Dart does not not ask for a PIN or OTP number from its Customers for any payments.
This security notice does not affect the obligation of a consignee to pay shipping, customs, GST or similar applicable charges, where these are properly payable at the time of delivery.
Blue Dart accepts no responsibility for any costs, charges or payments made which were improperly incurred as a result of fraudulent activity.
You are advised to access Blue Dart only through its website or contact on its official number 18602331234.
To report any such instance while using Blue Dart’s services or accessing the website or if you receive fraudulent or suspicious Blue Dart e-mails, you are advised to send an email to
Please note:
Users may be directed to through third party websites. Neither of these nor the companies to whom they belong are controlled by Blue Dart. Blue Dart makes no representations concerning the information provided or made available on such websites nor the quality or acceptability of the products or services offered by any persons or entities referenced in any such sites.
Blue Dart will in no event be liable to you or any person or entity claiming through you for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or other damages under any theory of law for any errors in or the use of or inability to use and its content including without limitation, damages for lost profits, business, data, or damage to any computer systems, even if you have advised Blue Dart of the possibility of such damages.